Dairy drink is the collective name for all drinkable dairy products. Secarily, this includes normal brand and buttermilk products. But when people talk about dairy drinks, they usually refer to yoghurt drinks, fruit milks and breakfast drinks.
Yoghurt drinks in particular are popular and sold in large numbers. In fact, many people, including many children, drink dairy drinks daily. This drink is very good for getting enough calcium and besides, it is tasty too.
Naturally, soft drinks.com also offers dairy drinks. This is because our mission is to be your central point of contact
for all drinks. Frisdrank.com can deliver dairy drinks to you quickly and inexpensively so that you have nothing to worry about.
Dairy drinks can be divided into fresh and long-life drinks. Fresh dairy drinks should be stored in the refrigerated section and generally have a shelf life of only a few weeks.
Long-life dairy drinks, on the other hand, do not need to be kept refrigerated and usually have a shelf life of more than a year. Indeed, long-life dairy drinks are heated, making them last longer. Great for buying and storing larger.
The most popular brands of dairy drinks are Chocomel, Fristi and Optimel. Besides fresh dairy drinks, Optimel also offers long-life dairy drinks (Langlekker). Chocomel and Fristi, on the other hand, only make long-life dairy drinks and are known for their cans and packets.
These are classics, of course, but around dairy drinks, the main trend is that more and more flavours are being added. Think flavours like mango passion fruit, strawberry raspberry and peach
apricot. Fruit combinations in particular are immensely popular.
There is also a trend for these products to become increasingly healthy. In fact, many of these drinks contain no fat or added sugars. A development that we at Softdrink.com are, of course, following closely.
Since most dairy drinks have a long shelf life, they lend themselves perfectly to offers. In fact, with a good offer, you can buy several packs and keep them. This way, you won't have to buy any more dairy drinks in the near future and you can wait for the next offer.
Your customers also like to take advantage of this. At Frisdrank.com, we can buy in bulk due to our wide European sales market. This allows us to negotiate excellent purchasing prices that ultimately benefit you.
In this way, you buy dairy drinks cheaply and can pass on your advantage to your customers. It also gives you room to make a competitive offer to attract customers to your location.
Frisdrank.com takes a fresh look at the drinks market. We do not conform to how things have always gone in the past and like to think outside the box. We make your concerns our challenge.
We always look for the best solution for you. We also like to think along with you about trends and developments. We know the market like no other. We are happy to share our knowledge of dairy drinks with you so that you can serve your customers even better.
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