

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange No Sugar

Fanta Orange

Fanta Orange (DK)

Fanta Orange Zero

Fanta Orange zero (DK)

Fanta Strawberry Kiwi

Fanta Strawberry Kiwi (DK)

Fanta Lemon

Fanta Lemon (DK) 

Fanta Exotic


Fanta Shokata

Fanta Shokata (pl)


Fanta is a fun and unusual drink that sparkles with its fruity flavour. Not for nothing is it one of the most popular soft
drinks in the world. The authentic taste of this soft drink especially ensures its great popularity among young people.

Of course, the big advantage of this soft drink is that it contains no caffeine. Besides the regular flavours, Fanta also has sugar-free soft drinks which conveniently responds to consumers' desire for healthier living. is Fanta's distributor and can supply these soft drinks quickly and inexpensively.

This is due to our large-scale smart buying where we keep stock ourselves. This allows you to seamlessly link your purchasing to our logistics system. This way, you no longer have to worry about purchasing soft drinks.

Fanta Orange

Fanta Orange, the classic, is a unique experience due to its authentic taste. This orange-flavoured soft drink is made from natural juice concentrate. Besides these natural flavours, Fanta contains no added colourings. So a very natural drink.

Fanta is great to drink chilled with a few cubes of ice. In addition, this soft drink is frequently used in cocktails. Think, for example, of popular cocktails such as the Fandori and the Nigerian Chapman. So you can see that Fanta can be used in multiple ways.

Fanta flavours

Fanta is obviously best known for its original orange flavour: Fanta Orange. To capitalise on the trend that more and more people are asking for healthier soft drinks, Fanta has also launched a No Sugar version of the Fanta Orange.

And not without success! Indeed, it is one of Fanta's best-selling products. In addition, Fanta has also launched the popular Lemon flavour (also available as No Sugar).

There are also several more exotic flavours (with or without sugar) such as Cassis, Exotic and What the Fanta (an exciting apple-flavoured soft drink). In total, this soft drink manufacturer sells as
many as 90 authentic flavours worldwide. This way, you actually have something to choose from.

Economical Fanta shopping has a good purchasing position for Fanta soft drinks due to its European sales market. Since we buy smartly, we can negotiate favourable prices. Moreover, we do not use expensive intermediaries.

This allows you to buy Fanta as cheaply as possible via Large stocks and our innovative logistics network enable us to deliver very quickly from our own stock. You can therefore rely on fast delivery. This allows you to keep your own
stock as small as possible and use us to replenish your stock of Fanta regularly.

Trends in soft drinks

As with many soft drinks, Fanta is also constantly undergoing changes around flavours and versions. We keep a close eye on these changes. Thanks to our extensive European network and contacts with the main players in the market, we are the first to know about developments.

We are happy to share our knowledge with u. This way, you can also respond much smarter to changes to get ahead of your competition. is your partner for purchasing Fanta and other soft drinks. We like to think along with you how you can even better meet market demand.

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2000 Antwerpen

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5993 SH  Maasbree

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